Site Risk Assessments

Following Western Australia’s transition to harmonise Workplace Health and Safety laws with the rest of Australia, the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA) was passed. With the passing of this, it was indicated that persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) under the Act would have until 2022 to implement the new requirements under the Act. Since this time, WCA Solutions has seen an influx of requests to assist organisations with Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) legislation compliance.

WCA Solutions has been tasked with developing a complete WHS system that was both compliant and easy to implement across organisations. WCA Solutions has been supporting clients at significant risk of being non-compliant with Western Australian WHS legislation and facing fines. Fines under WA WHS legislation can be up to $10 million for PCBUs and, $5 million plus up to 20 years jail time for company officers that are convicted of gross negligence or industrial manslaughter. Additionally, under the WA’s WHS legislation; insurance can no longer pay out any penalties for breaches and companies cannot indemnify employees.

In order to build a fit-for-purpose WHS system for a client, WCA Solutions supports clients complete a whole of site assessment and risk matrix. The whole of site assessment forms the basis of understanding our client’s hazards, risks, current controls and future controls. It is inclusive of site inspection to identify hazards and consulting with workers responsible for work tasks and understanding any hazards already identified.

As an example, WCA Solutions worked with a client that have over 100 tasks with an inherent risk rating of ‘critical’. The whole of site assessment revealed that the client already had several controls in place which meant this number was reduced significantly to just over 20 tasks with a residual risk rating of ‘critical’.

WCA Solutions supported the client to reduce this number to zero (0).

WCA Solutions supports and guides clients to focus on the tasks that demonstrate the highest risk and explains the importance of reducing these risks. This is only possible by completing a thorough whole of site assessment, as well as understanding the client’s organisation and how they operate. Through the whole of site assessment process, WCA Solutions also provides training to the PCBUs and Officers in hazard identification, risk assessment and how to implement controls using the hierarchy of control.

Following the whole of site assessment, WCA Solutions recommends a range of controls that will reduce the client’s risk, focusing on those deemed ‘critical’. WCA Solutions also provides guidance to clients on how to develop a safety-first culture.

Following the implementation of controls, WCA Solutions supports clients with follow-up site visits and scheduled Workplace Health & Safety Audits to ensure the client has successfully implemented the identified controls, remains compliant, and continues to build a desirable safety culture.

For a confidential no-obligation consultation, contact our team at 08 9383 3293.


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