Change Management

WCA Solutions Change Management Consultants enable your organisation to focus on delivery and ensure key stakeholders are engaged during the change management process.

Do you want change to be Embraced Positively by your team?

WCA Solutions change management consultants support your team to confidently adapt, Be flexible, and be curious to minimise disruption and interruption to your business operations.

Change Management Services

WCA Solutions partner with you and your team to plan, prepare and implement your transformation program in a way that minimises disruption, demotivation and potential organisational damage. We apply established best practice change management frameworks, such as Prosci, the ADKAR model and Kotter’s Eight Step methodology when working with our clients.

WCA Solutions Change Management Consultants align change strategies to your organisations objectives of external and internal stakeholders by focusing on the fundamental areas of People, Processes and Communication. Strategies can be fully managed and implemented by the WCA Solutions Change Management team or in conjunction with our client internal resources.

Change Management Consultants Quotation and Process

Step 1

Schedule a no obligaiton  consultation with one of our Change Management Consultants to discuss your change management objectives. 

Step 2

WCA Solutions Change Management Consultants will will work with you to develop the scope of work, and provide expert advice and options aligned with your organisations objective, timeline and budget. 

Step 3

WCA Solutions Change Management team partner with you to support your organisation identify and implement the systems, processes, people and structure to achieve your organisations objectives.

Case Study

Queensland Government Procurement

WCA was appointed as the Change Manager to develop and implement an overarching change management strategy and plan to enable endorsement and adoption of the proposed changes, and ensure effective risk management strategies were included in the change process.

Frequently Asked Questions

It doesn’t matter what size the organisation is WCA has experience working with large Govt. departments though to small SME’s. With any change management program we work in stages from the initial planning stage through to comprehensive implementation and close out and review.
Change resistance is a common challenge and as independent change management consultants coming from the human resources viewpoint we are skilled at working with people and equipped with tools to overcome these challenges to support staff and teams and achieve lasting change.
WCA tailor change management programs to the needs of the organisation and larger/ complex change programs will include an appointed WCA change consultant to be available on-site and on-line throughout the program.
ADKAR is a model created by Prosci founder Jeff Hiatt, and represents the five concrete outcomes that people need to achieve for lasting change. The acronym stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement and WCA employs trained ADKAR Consultants.
WCA tailors change management programs to meet the needs of the organisation for the short term and the long term so our programs can involve follow ups and long-term support if required.

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