Strategic HRM

Develop a culture of choice and retain your key staff with strategic human resource planning.

Are you ready to be less reactive and more planned with your human resources?

Operating since 2000, our team has gained extensive expertise across all required areas from organisational development, restructuring and change management, through to strategic industrial relations and human resource management.

Culture & Engagement Surveys

As a leader you want metrics to tell you if your staff are engaged — or not — and why. WCA can identify valuable information regarding the current staff culture through a range of survey tools.

Tools to Measure Engagement

  • A simple, short online survey on a six-monthly, quarterly, or more regular basis for a company climate “check-in”.
  • A comprehensive customised online survey that draws from a range of established survey tools, such as the Gallup Q12, to assess company values, culture and/or specific strategies. The survey enables you to evaluate and compare key staff demographic ratings within your organisation such as seniority, department, location, years of service and/or role.

Performance Appraisals

The annual performance appraisal is typically feared by employees and avoided by managers. WCA has developed many customised staff performance and leadership training programs to support and skill the new supervisor through to the seasoned manager.
The WCA simple quarterly check-in tool to enable performance conversations to happen easily online over a cup of coffee — transforming dread to ease for all parties. The system automatically populates for the next quarter with previously identified goals and provide users with a transparent summary of progress, career goals and development requirements of their team.

Remuneration & Bonuses

It’s important to keep in touch with the market and benchmark salaries against similar roles and organisations. WCA provides current and relevant data and tailors retention strategies to your business, such as bonus schemes to drive sales or motivate a team to work together.

Exit Processes

Obtaining and accurately assessing exit information is useful in understanding why staff choose to leave. WCA can customise processes, complete exit interviews as an independent third party, and collate statistical information simply for the organisation.

Our Process

Step 1

Schedule an initial 30-minute consultation with one of our Human Resources or Workplace Health & Safety experts to discuss your people risks within your organisation.

Step 2

We will provide you with options that meet your budget and schedule to reduce your people risks.

Step 3

WCA Solutions will ensure you have access to an expert team of HR and WHS professionals to support you focus on what you do best by taking care of your HR and WHS compliance risks.

Case Study

National Project Management Firm

WCA has supported and assisted this national project management firm over the past 12 years and has seen the company grow from an initial team of approximately 5 staff to the group now operating nationally across multiple offices with a team of close to 50 staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

The tiny online business, the global corporation…all organisations are made up of at least some people. Strategic HRM or a People & Culture Strategy will help your organisation achieve your big dreams through your people.

The strategic human resource management process starts by determining your broader organisational objectives and then assessing:

  • Where you are now (the current status of your people and culture through a Deep Dive Audit)
  • Where do you want to be – your people and culture objectives; and
  • How will you get there – your HR or People and culture strategy.

Do you want to: increase sales by 50%, expand to new geographic locations, or enable the CEO & founder to retire in 5 years. WCA will help you get there with a plan such as an aggressive recruitment program coupled with an internal training program, or perhaps by developing a succession plan for key senior leaders in the business.

We’ve built a future-oriented process of developing and implementing HR programs that directly address major long-term business objectives. That might include job analysis and job design; workforce planning, upskilling and succession planning; as well as labour and management relations.

The CEO/MD, Executives, Managers and in some cases the Board.

Files and documentation can provide insight into an organisation but many organisations have significant policy and procedure that staff don’t know where and how to access and don’t use, in our HR Audits we explore not only the documentation but if and how it is used by the team.

Restructuring is a part of strategic human resource management. Changing the organisational structure (restructuring) is often required to meet market, industry or world changes such as a global pandemic. WCA has supported many businesses restructure in response to growth or decline, including anything from the amalgamation of two small teams through to the major merger of two separate organisations.

For a small business, the design and introduction of a strategic human resource management plan may only be a few weeks. However, depending upon the business culture and the HRM plan requirements, full implementation may take a number of months.

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